Monday 11 April 2011

Humble Beginnings

Blogs. A concept that was quick to catch on as part of the internet revolution which saw traditional hangouts being replaced by their online counterparts.Pretty soon the computer took over. Although initially I believed I could pass my years without having to join the crowd, I soon came to realize that I would have to eventually and inevitably become part of the world wide web. And this year, I complete my transformation. The final step if you will, of my online journey. My first blog.
Of course one could argue that so many people have blogs these days that the idea has become commonplace . Perhaps my achievement is a belittled by the delay in execution. Perhaps. All I know is that people say things that others accept without question. Too many things are taken for granted.
And so I write this blog to try and show you a different side to things. To me ,this world is one giant circus and we have an abundance of clowns for our entertainment. There are a lot of intersting things that happen all around us. You just have to look.
Of course, along the way there might be a lot of python/Linux and computers in general.But bear with me dear reader, for I can only speak of that which I know.

And after all, it is the computer age...

or so they say.

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